The Pennsylvania Paranormal Association - Research and Investigation

File No: 09-18-029
Location: Confidential Location - Lackawanna County

Investigation Date and Duration:

September 26, 2009 Arrive 7:00pm / Depart 2:00am

Location Status:

Unoccupied, multi-section, multi-story manufacturing building. This was the second investigation by ThePPA at this location. The first time found evidence of paranormal activity such as anomalous K2 activity, evp's, black shadows being witnessed, the sound of footsteps and voices being heard.

Reported Activity:

For years, employees and visitors alike have reported seeing the apparition of a little girl, the apparition of a man and have heard strange noises in different areas of the building. A security camera system has recorded mist type anomalies in different hallways and doors opening and closing by themselves.

Digital Cameras (3)
Digital Voice Recorders (7)
EMF gauge (4)
Camcorders w/night shot (4)
Thermometer (1)

Investigators Present:
Mark                Lauren
Bob                  Rob
Mike                 Al
Janine               Nancy Kman - WILK News Guest

Location Weather:
Cloudy with rain Daytime Highs – 70's.
Geomagnetic Field: Quiet
Solar X-Rays: Normal
PWO: Average

Technical Notes:

- Due to the lack of electricity and size of this location, no DVR system was used. All hand held equipment was utilized.

AUDIO and EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon):
(Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 1) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR2 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 1) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR3 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 2) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR4 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 2) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR5 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 3) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR6 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 3) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

VR7 (Digital Voice Recorder: Mobile with Team 3) At 9:35 PM, this device captured two knocks just after Mike had asked if anyone was present with them, please give two knocks. Upon Mike asking to do that again, one more set of knocks was recorded During the entire time the team was in this area, this was the only time any knocks were recorded. Investigators commented that they had heard one of the two knocks at the time. No other knocks were noted on the recording during this time. The first two knocks are heard at 19-20 seconds in and the second two at 44-45 seconds into this clip. Notice the cadence is the same as Mike's. 

Camcorder #1 –
(Mobile with Team 1) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

Camcorder #2(Mobile with Team 2) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

Camcorder #3 (Mobile with Team 2) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

Camcorder #4 (Mobile with Team 3) No physical evidence captured on this device at the time of the investigation.

EMF (Electro Magnetic Field):
No anomalous EMF levels were recorded.

Investigator Feelings / Experiences:

Lauren None

Bob and Rob - At approx 7:40PM, Bob and Rob observed what looked like the shadow of a man hunched over with his head towards the floor. The shadow moved very slowly across a window on the third floor blocking out the light outside as it passed. This room would have been above the main entrance to the building.

Mike, Janine and Al: At 9:35 PM, Mike asked of whoever may be with them to make two knocks. Directly after, the investigators heard one knock. Upon Mike asking to do that again, one more knock was recorded. Upon review of an audio recorder present with them at the time, two knocks were recorded. This occurred on the third floor of the middle section in the storage shelf area where activity was recorded on our initial investigation. No other knocks were noted on the recording during this time.


During this investigation, a few personal experiences were noted, although small, but still added to the personal experiences and evidence recorded during our initial investigation. The concentration of activity remains to be located on the third floor of the first and second sections of this building. No activity of a paranormal nature was experienced in any other locations during this visit.

Based on this and previous investigations, ThePPA maintains to this point that paranormal activity is presently occurring. On its face value, it would appear that something of an interactive nature is taking place as apposed to a “residual haunting” where the activity acts independently of people being present and does not interact. ThePPA will continue to work with the owner to try and document any further activity.

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